I Don't Love My Boyfriend

Private moment. In public.I guess when people say "to much of a good thing isn't good either" they were right... I met my 2nd boyfriend senior year of high school, we fell in love and I can truly say that the first year with him was the best of my life. It was very odd that one random day, out of the blue, just a few days after our 1 year, I woke up and I just had a nagging feeling I didn't love him anymore. It felt horrible. A lot of my friends and family said it's because we had spent way to much time together, and so I thought okay, I'll tell him we need to spend less time together. We did so for a few weeks but my feelings still didn't change. This man [he is 20 like me] has been the most wonderful person to me in the entire world, he would give his life for me, and I know I would to. However, I constantly think of other guys, I'm curious to explore and be in other relationships. He is only my 2nd boyfriend, and I am his 1st girlfriendCreative Commons License photo credit: skedonk. I care about him so much, and sometimes I feel like maybe just maybe one day I will feel that intense love I felt for him before, but as the months go by my hope lessens... it's been about 5 months that I feel this way. I even broke up with him, but we got back together a month later because I am so used to him and feel so comfortable around him that I just felt kind of weird being without him. I encountered once after we broke up, and I couldn't help but cry softly while he wasnt watching. That made me think that I must miss him and so I did get back with him... The main problem is that I take him for granted ALWAYS. I can yell at him, be enraged and not talk to him, break up with him or tell him I will, and he won't do anything. I know he loves me so much it's boring... I wish he would take control of the relationship and stop being so nice! We have never been in a fight because he avoids them, and I just wish he was a tougher. He is too loving and caring, I wish he was more stern and I really wish he broke up with me, because I feel like that is the only real way I will know if I love him or not. I don't know if that makes any sense, but to me it does. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I am in much need of help.

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