Ask Julie: Does My 2-year-old Have ADHD?

[dropcap]Q:[/dropcap]How do I know if my 2-year-old has ADHD? He is not talking. He will not sit still for story time. He is a climber, runner, and so on. Bed time is not easy; he thinks it's time to play. He will say words every once in a while. He will not sit still at dinner time. My husband thinks there is nothing wrong with him, but as mom I am see red light for a problem with him.

[dropcap]A:[/dropcap] As a mother, it's important to trust your "gut" if you sense something is not quite right with your child. I suggest meeting with your pediatrician to discuss your concerns and see if your child is on target developmentally. Watch the rest of my response below...Thanks for writing in. Take good care of yourself and your child!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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