Husband-free Weekend

I am all for spouses taking separate vacations, as long as they don't replace couples vacations! I am holding down the fort this weekend while my husband is tearing it up in Southern Utah, getting scraped & bruised & banged up, motorcycle riding with the boys." A few days without hubby's not bad and it makes me appreciate him more. It seems like the kids don't sleep as soundly when he's not here.  Both of our "littles" got up a few times last night and crawled into bed with me. Maybe they feel a little less secure at night when he's not home. Maybe that's why I stay up late and sleep less soundly, and feel a little more weight on my shoulders for the welfare of my family. Though family is top priority, friends are the family you choose and even adults need playtime with friends!


See My Dad's Gloria Concert Dec. 4 & 5th


Testing, testing! Is this thing on?