Confessions of a Multitasking Mama

I often get asked "how do you do it all?" The answer is "I don't". I don't do it all. You see the things I DO on this website, in my Facebook events and updates, newsletters, etc. You can easily find out about my therapy practice, my music career, my media appearances, speaking engagement, and my family life. I admit, I do A LOT, but I definitely don't do it all.

Here are some of the things I DON'T do:

I don't cook (unless you count heating up a Dream Dinner cooking). I value family dinner time but I don't cook from scratch. I'd like to, but not enough to actually take the time to do it.I am not the room mother. I am the assistant room mother.I don't attend every soccer, baseball, lacrosse, or basketball game, recital or school program. I attend "more often than not".I don't make my kids breakfast before school. They have cold cereal or cinnamon toast every morning (unless its Sat. and my hubby makes waffles with ice cream).I don't have a clean, organized home. I generally know where to find most things, but home organization is not my strong suit. I don't deep clean my home. I hire a cleaning crew twice a month.I don't feel guilty having other people help take care of our kids. I have a part-time "home assistant" who keeps things moving when my husband and I are not home, and we have an amazingly supportive family.Even though I take a detailed list of birthday gifts my children receive every year, it is the exception that we actually send out "thank you" notes.I don't work in the yard on a regular basis, much to my husband's chagrin.I don't sacrifice sleep. I get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly and a 3-4 hour nap on Sundays.I don't separate my life into categories of mother/wife/work/music. It's all one big amazing mess called "my life" and that big category encompasses all of the people and causes and activities I'm passionate about. My life is NOT perfect, but its pretty darn good. There are many sacrifices for trying to pull off as much as I do: my house and yard aren't spotless, I'm often tired, and sometimes feel like I'm not doing well at anything. But for me it's worth it to have a life overflowing with wonderful opportunities to love and help others during whatever time I have on the planet. I don't want to do it all. I just want a lot of the things I care about.No, a girl can't have it all but she can have A LOT.I'd love to hear some of your confessions! Enter comments below.


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