Marriage Q & A - Is date night too much to ask? & I'm never in the mood!

This marriage Q & A article published yesterday in a local women's magazine "Wasatch Woman Magazine. I love writing for women! Can you relate to either of these scenarios?

Is date night too much to ask?

Q: My husband and I spend most weekend evenings attending our children’s sporting events and never go out on dates. He says it’s because he wants to make sure we’re there to support our kids during this short time window of time before they grow up, but I’m feeling increasingly resentful, hurt, and neglected by him. What should I do?(read my answer on pg. 17...)

I just don't think about sex!

Q: After 10 years of marriage my husband complains that I don’t desire him physically. He feels hurt that I don’t initiate lovemaking and that I’m rarely “in the mood”. I love my husband, find him attractive, but sex rarely crosses my mind. Should I have sex even when I’m not in the mood?  (read my answer on pg 17...)

Can you relate? What advice would you give?


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