How Old Is Too Old For A Pacifier?: Quoted in LA Times

Yesterday, I was asked to comment as a "family and parenting expert" for an LA Times article on Suri Cruise's (daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) still sucking on a pacifier in public at nearly 5 years old...

Read the LA Times Article

Join in the conversation on my Facebook page!What do you think about 4-5 year olds using pacifiers? I'd love to hear your comments below (email address will be kept private).______________________________________________________________ Self & relationship expert Julie de Azevedo Hanks, LCSW is wife of 22 years and mother of 4, a licensed psychotherapist, a popular media contributor, and director of Wasatch Family Therapy. Watch Julie on KSL TV's Studio 5, listen on B98.7 radio, and read her national advice columns on Psych Central, and Latter-day Woman Magazine.


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