The Little Music Video That Could

On Sunday Feb 2, 2011 I was home sick, on my computer, and noticed that over 300 people had shared my "Make Enough Of Me" YouTube music video on Facebook. So, on a whim I posted an update on Julie de Azevedo Facebook Page with a link to "Make Enough Of Me" asking friends to share it wall. Here's what has happened since...

2/27 -- 314 facebook shares &  2000 views

3/6 -- 1403 facebook shares & 5100 views

3/15 -- 1733 facebook shares & over 6500 views!!!

Thank you. Thank you! To all of you who shared this music video with friends and loved ones. Although, I'm not producing a lot of music lately, thank you for allowing my music to continue to inspire others. I am grateful.


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