Has Infertility Impacted Your Relationships?

I had a great chat with Ethan and Alex on KSL Radio's The Nightside Project on March 22 about how to handle the delicate issue of infertility in friendships and family relationships.Should you avoid talking about your own children to someone struggling with infertility? Is it better to avoid the issue so they don't get upset, or to say something, even if it's clumsy?Here's the link to an article on Slate.com that spark our discussion Infertility is wrecking our friendship.(*Go to Tues. March 22, 1st hour, 37:00 to listen to my interview)

Listen to my Nightside Project interview on on iTunes

Have your struggled with infertility? What advice would you give to others in how to be sensitive to your struggle but not tiptoe around the issue or avoid talking with you? Post comments below (you're email will not be visible)._______________________________________________________________________________________Self & relationship expert Julie de Azevedo Hanks, LCSW is wife of 22 years and mother of 4, a licensed therapist, a popular media contributor, and director of Wasatch Family Therapy. Listen to Julie's podcast You and Yours , on B98.7 radio as the Bee's Family Counselor, and read her national advice columns on Psych Central and Latter-day Woman Magazine


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