Preventing Emotional Burnout: Wasatch Stake SLC, UT

Thank you for attending tonight's workshop, for lively participation, for your strong spirit, for excellent food, and for sharing your hearts tonight as we sort through the challenges of being an LDS woman today. Hopefully, we will be a little kinder to ourselves and take good care of ourselves so we can have a joyful self to offer to others, and to our God.Below is the link to download handouts as well as some other links that you may find helpful. Also, at the bottom of the page is a music video for "Make Enough of Me" the last song I sang.Thank you again for a delightful evening!Julie


Click here for workshop handout


Buy Masterpiece CD on DeseretBook.comJulie de Azevedo

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Music Video

I'd love your feedback about the workshop. Please post comments below.


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