How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (part 1)

Hearing glowing stories of near perfect mothers last Sunday can bring up your feelings of inadequacies as a wife and mother. I sat down with Todd & Erin on B98.7 Monday morning with tips on how to stop comparing ourselves to others and accept and acknowledge our own unique strengths as women

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Click here to listen to "comparing yourself part 2"

Read my blog post "Confessions of a multitasking mama (part 2)"

Self & relationship expert Julie de Azevedo Hanks, LCSW is wife of 22 years and mother of 4, a performing songwriter, a licensed psychotherapist, a popular media contributor, and director of Wasatch Family Therapy. Watch Julie on KSL TV’s Studio 5, listen on B98.7 radio, and read her national advice columns on Psych Central, and Latter-day Woman Magazine. Follow Julie on Facebook & Twitter.


How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (part 2)


7 Things Your BFF May Not Be Telling You: Quoted in Woman's Day