Building a Therapy Practice Using Technology: featured in Social Work Today

 I LOVE technology -- Facebook, Twitter, websites, YouTube, e-newsletters, Google and not just personally, but I have also used technology and social media to help build my therapy practice Wasatch Family Therapy.Well, my love of technology and my therapy practice, Wasatch Family Therapy, was featured in May/June 2011 Social Work Today Magazine's cover story "Building A Practice In A Digital World"! Not just mentioned, but the article starts out with...

"Julie Hanks, LCSW, has a self-professed love of technology, and it shows.

Hanks is owner and clinical director of Wasatch Family Therapy in Cottonwood Heights, UT. The practice has its own website, Facebook page, Twitter account, and YouTube channel. Hanks and her staff send an e-newsletter each month, use Google's calendar function for client scheduling, and send bills through e-mail.

"Why not embrace technology? It's here and it allows us to make such an impact," Hanks says. "Social workers, of all people, should be on the forefront of using technology for educating and making client interactions easier."

While many social workers and other mental health professionals in private practice are not as tech savvy as Hanks, an increasing number of them are using technology ”particularly social media” to market their services. This has started a debate among social workers about whether embracing technology is simply a necessary business move or a trend that puts the profession's ethics in jeopardy. And the speed of technological change is leaving many social workers to fend for themselves as they try to navigate the digital world.

Read the article "Building A Practice In A Digital World"

Download "Building A Practice In A Digital World" article PDF

Consulting for Therapists

I've had many requests by therapists to consult and coach on business and marketing aspects of building a private practice so I'm excited to announce that I'll be holding a monthly business consultation group for therapists starting next Tuesday 6/7 & also offering individual practice consultations in-person or via Skype.


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