Adventure in Private Practice: Interview With Diane Spear, LCSW

Why did you decide to go into private practice?

I had worked at an agency with wonderful colleagues, but private practice gave me the opportunity to set my own hours and fees, determine what level of pathology I want to treat, choose the theoretical orientation and supervisor I'm most comfortable with, and set the environment as I prefer. In short, autonomy, autonomy, autonomy!

What do you wish you'd known before starting your practice?

How important marketing is! You can be a terrific therapist and have a tiny practice if you're not good at marketing. And if you're not naturally good at marketing and networking? Practice! A lot.

What marketing strategies have you found to be most effective?

1) Forming relationships with other therapists who have a similar theoretical orientation, so that we're comfortable referring to each other.2) Joining a networking/referral group. I joined BNI, which has been wonderful.3) The biggest thing has been learning to network in everyday life--there are millions of opportunities to mention what I do and that I'm expanding my practice, and educating friends and non-therapist professionals about how to refer their friend, colleague, patient, colleague to me.

How do you use social media in practice?

I haven't learned that part yet. Still a dinosaur!

Finally, tell my why you love private practice.

I love private practice because it allows me to help people grow and change--if they want to! I've been in private practice in NYC 16 years, treating individuals and couples. Hope this helps.

Diane Spear, LCSW-RIndividual, Couples, Group Therapy212 353-0296111 Third Avenue, Suite 17D(Third Ave@13th/14th)NYC


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