Tweet Your Elevator Speech!

How's your elevator speech coming along? Are you ready to try it out in "public"? One of the most helpful ways to refine your elevator speech is to practice it and ask for feedback. Here's your social media challenge to help you get the word out about your practice message and to get feedback.Twitter ChallengeTweet your elevator speech (in only 140 characters or less) to me @Julie_Hanks and I'll give you feedback on it. If you tag your tweet with #elevatorspeech then other twitter users can find it and give you feedback, too.If you're not on Twitter, post your elevator speech or basic practice message as a status update on any social media site. Ask for feedback from other mental health professionals and people outside of the field on the clarity of your practice message. Here are some suggested questions.Elevator Speech Feedback Questions

  • Is my message in layman's language without "psychobabble"?
  • Is my ideal client clearly identified?
  • Does it focus on my ideal client's potential problem?
  • Does it clearly state a benefit that my services offer?
  • Is it succinct (2-3 sentences)?

I'm looking forward to reading your elevator speeches. If you're not on social media yet, feel free to post your basic message below as a comment below.


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