Why I 'Broke Up' With Managed Care

At times, working with managed care insurance panels in private practice felt like dating a bad boyfriend. I was constantly investing more time and attention than "he" was in the "relationship" and it started to wear me down. I got up the nerve to break it off for good. I've never looked back.I understand that building a practice free of managed care isn't for every therapist. I am grateful for excellent colleagues who participate on insurance panel because and there is a great need for their services and I frequently refer clients to them. However, if you're a private practitioner considering building a practice outside of managed care, I share my experience of resigning from managed care to give you the courage to take the leap, and the faith to know that it can work. So here's my story...After I received my clinical license I started applying to any health insurance panel. I just assumed that's how you're "supposed" to get clients in a private practice because every therapist I'd known had followed this path to get referrals. I was accepted to many panels and my practice started to grow. I was ecstatic.However, as time went on I started to resent many aspects of working with managed care panels and it began to effect how I felt about my work in general. I felt overworked and drained and knew that something needed to shift if I was to be in private practice for the long haul. Here's what I started noticing about my relationship with managed care.

  • Excessive paperwork: I was spending almost as much time performing unpaid work (paperwork, phone calls, tracking authorizations, and billing) as I was spending seeing clients. I went into this field to do therapy, not paperwork.
  • Reduced income: I resented writing off 40-60% of my fee upfront just to be placed on a list with dozens and dozens of other therapists. The managed care companies weren't doing anything to market my practice and yet I was being asked to take a huge pay cut to work with their clients.
  • Mandatory diagnosing: I grew tired of having to diagnose every client who walked into my office in order to get paid. When I met with a client who didn't have clearly diagnosable symptoms I was faced with a dilemma. Do I stretch a diagnosis just so I can get paid, or do I do free therapy because insurance won't reimburse without a diagnosis?
  • Denied or delayed payments: Being denied reimbursement for a variety of reasons and receiving payment weeks or months after I had performed the service grew frustrating.

My uneasiness led me to critically look at the financial numbers and I was astounded by the amount of money I was writing off just to participate on managed care panels. I decided that there had to be a better way to for me to run my practice. I realized that if I resigned from managed care panels and transitioned to a fee for service practice, I could see half the number of clients weekly and make the same income. Or, I could see the same number of clients and double my income. To top it off, I could eliminate most of my unpaid paperwork hours. Work less and make more? It was a dream come true for a private practitioner and mother of young children.I resigned from all managed care panels in 2007 and raised my fee by 10%. Since then, my private practice, Wasatch Family Therapy, has grown from a solo practice of one to a thriving clinic employing several therapists. We are adding a second office location later this month. It has taken some relentless marketing, consistent networking, and social media skills to keep a practice growing without managed care or any outside contracts, but it has worked. If I can do it, you can too.


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