Join Me For Time Out For Women 2012 Tour

Time outs aren't just for kids. Women need a "time out" too. Spend a day & a half hearing inspirational music, and phenomenal speakers that will help you refuel spiritually and emotionally.

I'm thrilled to be a part of Deseret Book's Time Out For Women Tour next year! When I got the invitation to be a presenter, I was honored. Speaking to women is one of my favorite things to do, and I especially love speaking to LDS women. I'll be sharing how to become "Your Most Authentic Self", to become the women God wants you to be, and how to make sure that you're own needs are being met so there's more of you to give to those you love.

Click here to find out which cities I'll be visiting

Early bird special if you register before December 6th!

Oh, and I'm finishing up my first book to be released in Aug. 2012!

Will I see you at TOFW???


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Adventures In Private Practice: Healthy Eating Expert Karen R. Koenig, LCSW