7 Strategies To Revive Your Dead Facebook Page

Do you have a Facebook page for your private practice? If not, read these articles first:

How To Set Up A Facebook Page and Facebook Pages For Therapists: Some Risks And BenefitsIf you already have a practice Facebook page but there's very little interaction going on here are a few tips to revive your page. If people aren't visiting your page and interacting on it, what's the point of having it, right?7 Facebook strategies that boost interaction on Facebook:

1) Post on weekends and afternoon/evening

According the Entrepreneur.com, weekends and late afternoons are the times when page admins are least likely to add a new post and those posts that receive the highest interaction rates.

2) If you're going to take a day off, pick Thursday

Thursdays have the highest number of posts with the lowest interaction rate.

3) Post photos

Photos evoke emotion and grab attention. They generate the highest interaction rate, above status updates, video, music & links. When you post a question or status update, post it with a photo.

4) Ask for a comments and "likes"

Call for actions on Facebook pages actually works. Don't be afraid to ask for likes, comments, and shares. People will respond.

5) Be long-winded

Did you know that page interaction goes up with longer status updates?  Don't feel like you have to limit your update to the 140 characters, like on Twitter.

6) Post more frequently

Since not all followers will see every post, posting more frequently will catch the eye of more followers. Half of those who are going to click on your link or update will have done so within the first hour of posting. The other half will interact during the next 9 hours. Keep an eye on your unsubscribe rates to find the "sweet spot" for your page's ideal number of posts.

7) Post interesting content

The best way to boost interaction on your page is to post good, interesting, helpful information.Sources:http://www.entrepreneur.com/blog/220166http://www.hellobloggerz.com/social-media/facebook-posting-techniques

What strategies have you used to improve your Facebook Page interaction?



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