Ask Julie: How Do I Get Over My Ex-Boyfriend?

relaxQ: Hi...My problem is that my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago. we already planned to go to Hawaii and I have to go because I can't pay him back since it's really expensive. We decided to be friends, when I'm around him I want to be his friend and that's the only thing I think about but when I'm not around him, I start missing him so much. I keep telling myself that I want him to be my friend nothing more, I don't want to go to back to him and he doesn't either but I miss him so much and want to be around him all the time. The trip is in 2 weeks and were gonna spend 10 days together there. I'm scared that I will get hurt and after we get back from Hawaii, I will start missing him more and get hurt even more. Please help me, I seriously have no idea of what to do and no one can help me out. I have finals coming in a week and I really don't want anything to affect my studying.

A: Don't go to Hawaii with someone who just broke up with you, even if you have to forfeit money. Focus on your studies and on moving forward with your life. This is a chance to learn how to tolerate missing him, and process the grief. You may want to talk with a counselor through your college.Click the arrow below to listen to my audio response.[powerpress]Creative Commons License photo credit: janineomg


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