Mobile App For Your Private Practice? It's Easier Than You Think

By now you know that love technology, especially when it comes to practice building. I recently blogged about how shrinks can prepare for the mobile marketing revolution. Well, here's another cool way to make sure that your private practice website is "mobile friendly." You can now build your own private practice app! Seriously.Last weekend I stumbled on this blog and thought I'd give it a try.My clinic website, Wasatch Family Therapy, has an active blog, newsletter, YouTube account, Twitter, and Facebook page and we pride ourselves in being fairly tech-savvy, so an app is the next step, right? In addition to providing clinical services, we highly value outreach and community education and technology and the Internet allow us to reach far beyond our own community in Utah.In less than an hour, through the tools available on I created a custom mobile "Wasatch Family Therapy" app, complete with it's own QR code (the code you can scan with a bar code scanner on your mobile phone). I was also able to set up a notification to my website visitors using a mobile device to select the app or open the full-version. Cool huh?If you want to check out our app scan the QR code or click your mobile device. It'll open the app and give you the option to save to home screen.I also created another app for my website so visitors can access my blog and ask questions from their mobile phone. Did I mention that I love technology. It allows a little therapist in Utah to reach around the globe.Now get busy creating an app for your private practice. If you do, post the link below. I'd love to see it.


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