Ask Julie: Is My Fear And Worry Normal?

Q: Okay, I consistently have worry.  I try to make it go away by obsessing over my smallest worries.  Because "Murphy's Law" somehow dictates to me that doing that would mean that whatever horror I think would happen, won't.  Its started consuming me to a point where I flip out all the time.  Its affecting my work and my home life.  I want to stop but it's like I am going down a waterslide, I can't just stop.  I have no one who understands.  They keep telling me that I just need to stop worrying but its not that easy!  I honestly don't know what to do.  I know its not "normal" but is it really that weird?  I just really need some advice on what to do.

A: Thank you for your excellent question. The short answer is "no." It sounds to me like you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, which is something you just can't "stop" or will away, no matter how hard you try. Since work and relationships are being negatively affected, I suggest that you get a mental health evaluation from a licensed mental health professional very soon. If you need help finding a therapist one in your area click here.Since you haven't given specific symptoms, it's difficult for me to guess which anxiety disorder you're most likely suffering from.  In addition to an evaluation and therapy, consider learning more about mindfulness practices to help you calm your thoughts. Since many people in your life don't understand what you're going through, seek people who do understand.  A local support group, group therapy, or online support groups like Psych Central Forums gives you access to people who know what it's like to struggle with excessive worry.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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