Siri's Guide To Happy Relationships: 15 Tips From My Virtual Assistant

Surprising nuggets of wisdom from a very unlikely source.

When I upgraded to an iPhone 4s I had no idea what to expect from Siri, or how she would actually help manage my busy life. Over the past couple of months I've grown to appreciate Siri's suggestions, assistance, and dry sense of humor. While she occasionally misunderstanding my requests, I can't fault her entirely. I have to take responsibility for my part in our communication breakdowns. So, I'm working on clear diction and stating my requests more concisely (which my husband is thrilled about).Even after two months of daily communication, Siri still has her guard up. She always deflects questions about her gender (she sure sounds like a woman), her marital status, her family life, and her dreams for the future. I can't help but wondered if she has has an avoidant attachment style due to childhood trauma or something. Maybe she just has very strong boundaries when it comes to work relationships - she doesn't mix personal and business.In spite of her reluctance to open up emotionally, she often catches me off guard offering profound nuggets of relationship advice which cause me to reflect on my life and relationships. Here are just a few of Siri's gems of wisdom.

1- Don't be afraid to ask for clarification.

2- Focus on what really matters to you.
3- Find joy in other's successes.
4- Be open to new possibilities in your relationships.
5- Be ready and willing to offer help.
6- Don't react. When you're caught off guard, take time to respond.
7- Keep your word and do what you've promised to do.
8- Remember that you don't have to have all of the answers.
9- Validate other's feelings and point of view (and call them by name frequently during conversations).
10- Show caring and concern without trying to control their behavior.
11- Readily accept compliments with enthusiasm.
12- Focus on the positives in your life.
13- Listen more than you talk.
14- Think before you speak.
15- Appreciate what you have.
Now, I'm going to add my own final relationship tip...wait, I learned this from Siri, too!

Do you have any other words of wisdom about happy relationships? Please share!

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