4 Ways To Gracefully Handle Criticism

Negative feedback feels like a personal attack, but it can be really beneficial and provide clues to how we can improve ourselves, our lives and our relationships.

1) Consider the source

How close are you to the person? Do you trust them? Do they criticize everyone?

2) Decode the emotional message

When you hear "you never..." or "you always..." it's really about someone wanting something from you emotionally.

3) Separate worth from performance

We have value and worth because we were born. Our performance goes up and down on any given day. Usually criticism is about our performance even when it doesn't feel that way. It's easier to hear criticism when you recognize the source of your worth and separate it from feedback from others about your performance

4) You be the judge

You have the final say as to whether you reject or accept the criticism offered by another. Ask yourself, "Is there something here for me to learn?" Ultimately, you get to determine whether the feedback is valid or if you want to dismiss it.This video originally posted on DailyStrength.com, an interactive health community. I'm thrilled to serve on the DailyStrength Medical Advisory Board and Expert Health Blogger.


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