Benefits Of Blogging For Your Private Therapy Practice

I recently had a delightful chat with Australian counselor and consultant Clinton Powers via Skype about my evolution as a blogger. We talked about the many benefits of blogging as a marketing strategy, unexpected benefits that I've experienced through blogging, how to find your blogging voice, and how to address ethical concerns.I hope you enjoy the interview. Below, I've summarize the main points of our lively discussion.What are the benefits of blogging as a practice marketing strategy?
  • Grow your practice by making it easier for clients to find you
  • Build your brand online
  • Fresh content improves SEO for your practice website
  • Establishes you as a credible expert in your field
  • Online networking with other mental health professionals
  • Positive impact on readers all over the world

What are your tips for developing your blogging voice?

  • Start where you are
  • Reject perfectionistic tendencies
  • Remember that you can edit
  • Re-purpose previously written content (papers, presentations, other media interviews)
  • Read and model after other therapists blogs

Where do you find inspiration for blog post topics?

  • Share your philosophical background
  • Write about themes you're seeing in therapy
  • Write about related news and current events
  • Summarize new research and add your take on it
  • Share other experts' content, including videos

How do you make time to write?

  • Write about the things that energize you and sound fun
  • Schedule time to blog once a week

How do you avoid ethical concerns?

  • Don't share client information
  • Don't share personal information

This interview first appeared on


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