Building Your Private Practice In A Digital World: NASW Webinar Nov. 8

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Let me show you how to build strong online presence to grow your private practice!

If you're not a social worker, you can stop reading now. I know social workers are supposed to be inclusive, but this is one small exception. This webinar is only open to social workers. If you are a social worker AND a  member of National Association of Social Workers (NASW) then I hope you'll join me for my first national webinar "Building Your Private Practice In A Digital World: Creating A Strong Online Presence For Your Practice" on Nov. 8.Those of you who read my blog regularly already know that I am a social media junkie and technology nerd AND a social worker in private practice. I've combined these passions webinar designed to help private practice social workers present themselves well online and attract new clients. In this 90-minute webinar social workers will learn more about:

  • Why online practice presence matters
  • Which 2 key questions can guide you in developing your online practice presence
  • The elements of an effective private practice website
  • How to make it easier for potential clients to find your practice and become your clients (SEO)
  • How to build an engaged social media following to build your practice

Webinar Details

Title: "Building Your Private Practice In A Digital World: Creating A Strong Online Presence For Your Practice".Date: Thursday November 8Time: 1-2:30 PM Eastern TimeWho: To participate you need to be a member of any NASW Specialty Practice Section. If you're not an SPS member you can join one for $35Cost: FREECEU's: 1.5Registration: Pre-register here

Trey Ratcliff via Compfight



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