Why Conventional Media Still Matters

I spill my practice building media tips in new issue of TILT Magazine

One of my favorite therapists to follow on Twitter is DeeAnna Nagel, co-founder of the Online Therapy Institute. She and co-founder Kate Anthony are well-known online therapy innovators and experts. A few months ago I was delighted when DeAnna invited to submit a feature article for their November Issue of TILT Magazine (Therapeutic Innovations In Light Of Technology) on the benefits of conventional media for practice building. Regular media interviews fave been a big factor in the continued growth of my practice Wasatch Family Therapy during an economic downturn. For therapists or any business owners who want tips on how to landing conventional media interviews and how to maximize your media exposure to build your private practice turn to pg. 22. Enjoy!Download article PDF



Why Conventional Media Still Matters


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