Social Media Marketing Checklist: 10 Steps To Building A Stronger Online Presence

Are you overwhelmed by the world of social media? These 10 steps will make it easier for clients to find your private practice online.

I presented my very first webinar ever yesterday (and I survived)! Sponsored by National Association of Social Workers the webinar was titled "Building Your Private Practice In A Digital World: Creating A Strong Online Practice Presence." It is crucial for private practitioners to have an online presence in order to attract clients to your practice because the internet is a main source of health information.A few participants in yesterday's webinar felt overwhelmed by the content, by social media in genera, and felt unsure about where to start developing their online presence. If you fall into that category, I suggest you start with #1 on the list below and work your way down to #10. Focus on just one item at a time. I've broken down the process into 10 "simple" steps, in order of priority, to help you get started on building a strong online presence.

  1. Identify your ideal client and your basic practice message
  2. Get a website for your private practice
  3. Add a blog on your private practice website
  4. Start blogging weekly on topics geared toward ideal client
  5. Sign up for a Facebook Business Page for your practice
  6. Open a Twitter account for your practice
  7. Add Facebook and Twitter social network links to your website and blog posts
  8. Share your weekly posts on Facebook and Twitter
  9. Make a list of websites and blogs that that your ideal clients in your geographic are likely to visit
  10. Submit guest blog posts to those sites on topics that target your ideal client and include your basic message and practice website link in your bio.

I'm off to teach this practice building workshop today for Utah NASW at the University of Utah. It'll basically be the same content as the webinar except that I'll be adding this priority list to today's presentation.Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook Group and share ideas and resources with 250+ therapist from around the world.


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