5 Social Media Marketing Lessons From My Top Traffic Sources

Do you know where your website visitors come from? If not, it probably a good idea to start. I use Google Analytics to find out which sites are the top referrers to my private practice website WasatchFamilyTherapy.com.

The following statistics reinforce what I've already known. They illustrate that:

  1. A website is crucial for private practice growth.
  2. Google is king. Most people find my website through Google searches.
  3. Creating valuable content that can be shared on Facebook is definitely worth the investment.
  4. Guest blogging on larger sites does increase website traffic.
  5. It's worth a monthly fee price to get listed in online directories.

Take a look at my year-to-date website traffic stats.

Do you know where your website traffic comes from? Who are your top online referral sources?


Pause Before Posting About Work On Personal Social Media Pages (part 1)


5 Elements Of An Effective Practice Website