2013 Therapist Blog Challenge

Build your practice and attract more clients to your practice by creating regular content on your private practice website. I'll make it easy for you!

Welcome 2013! I tell my private practice consulting clients is to have an integrated blog on their private practice website and become a regular online content creator. Potential clients are searching online for your services and I want them to be able to find you more easily. Here's how blogging can help.

Why is blogging on your private practice website important?

  • Fresh website content boosts search engine rankings/SEO (remember Google is my #1 referral source)
  • It add value to your website visitors and give them a reason to come back to your site
  • It gives you valuable content to share on social media that direct people back to your website
  • It helps you to strengthen your online presence as an expert
  • It allows potential clients get to know you and your practice philosophy

Why are some therapists hesitant to start blogging?

  • They don't know what to write about
  • They think they have to write totally original content
  • They think they have to write a "dissertation" (blogs posts only need to be 300-600 words)
  • They haven't found their "blogging voice"
  • They don't have the "time"
  • They're scared

To participate in the 2013 Therapist Blog Challenge:

  • Post your practice website link in the comments below.
  • Watch for my suggested blog topic twice each month. I'll come up with the content idea so you don't have to. I'll title and number the posts "Blog challenge #1" ... so you can keep track.
  • Write your 300-600 work blog article that week for your private practice website.
  • Post your blog article link in the comment section on the corresponding post here on this Toolbox blog.
  • Read and share other therapists articles.

Pretty easy, huh? So, are you IN? By the end of the year you'll have at least 24 articles on your website!Blog challenge #1 coming soon....Remember to post your practice website below and any questions you have. And please invite colleagues to join in. This will be fun! (c) Can Stock Photo


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