Therapist Blog Challenge #2: Pick An Inspirational Quote

Blog about your favorite quote and how it can inspire your readers to do something differently.

Thanks for the great response to therapist blog challenge #1! I'm impressed by your creativity and inventiveness. If you're just joining us for the blog challenge, please continue to post your challenge #1 posts and jump in on this new challenge #2This one will be easy and fun. Pick your favorite quote and let it be the inpsiration for your next blog post. I've posted a handful of my favorite quotes for you to use if you'd like. You are welcome to use the graphics below in your blog posts too. I created these cool, shareable graphics with the iPhone app InstaQuote (my favorite new app). OK, that's it for challenge #2. Get blogging!

Additional reminders:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that's OK too.
  • Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist's articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I've invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective,  increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.



Adventures In Private Practice: Family Counselor Barbara Flor, LPC


Ask Julie: Not Depressed Or Anxious But Prefer Being Alone