Greatest LDS Songs Of All Time? Thank You!

What an honor to be in the company of so many of my dear friends and music colleagues...Janice Kapp Perry, Micheal McLean, Hilary Weeks, Kenneth Cope, Roger Hoffman, Clive Romney, my dad, Lex de Azevedo, Cherie Call, and so many more. Each of these songwriters has touched my life in profound ways. Thank you to those of you who've listened to my songs through the years and made them your own.

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Here are a few of my songs that have made the list:16. “A Window to His Love,” Julie de Azevedo (iTunes) (Sheet Music)50. “Women at the Well,” Julie de Azevedo (written by friend Kenneth Cope) (iTunes) (Sheet Music)53. “Masterpiece,” Julie de Azevedo (iTunes) (Sheet Music)61. “Mercy’s Arms,” Julie de Azevedo (iTunes) (Sheet Music)81. “Hands of Heaven,” Julie de Azevedo (iTunes) (Sheet Music)98. “Keeper of the Flame,” Julie de Azevedo (iTunes) (Sheet Music) 


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