Meet Answers dot com's New Relationship Gal

Ok, ok. I know some of you will give me flack about this. You've heard me speak, write, and blog on the importance of setting healthy boundaries, saying "no", and not over-commiting ourselves, right? Well, sometimes you've just got to break your own rules! Like when one of the top websites top websites in the US and globally offers you a paying gig as their Relationship Expert!I didn't say yes immediately. I wanted to do my homework and make sure that it was worth my time and energy. It was. And I said YES!I write on all kinds of relationship topics -- dating, marriage, parenting, friendships, love...Check out my first batch of articles here.How to deal with attachment issues after a breakupWhy sisters are good for mental healthFive ways to stop spoiling your child is my baby for now.

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I'm always looking for new topics to write about. What relationship questions would you like me to answers? Post them below


6 Signs You Are Emotionally Grown-up (...or not)


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