Creating Income Stability: Publishing Success Story

Income stability in private practice can be challenging. Publishing is one way to create an additional income stream.

In addition to traditional publishing there are many options for self-publishing an e-book, a workbook, produce a product, or create downloadable resources like videos, handouts, or audio resources. Publishing doesn't have to be a daunting task.  You may already have content from workshops, papers, blog posts, and your clinical experience that you can re-purpose as part of a book or workbook.While publishing may sound daunting getting started may be easier than you think. Here are some ideas to help you get stared developing publishable content.

  • Start creating content online in your area of expertise to develop your online presence.
  • Start by videotaping and audio recording any presentations, keynotes, or workshops you present and have them transcribed.
  • Writing down frequently repeated phrases or psychoeducational concepts you share often with your clients.
  • Talk to colleagues who have already published and find out about their publishing process was like. Ask for tips and suggestions.
  • Once you have these things compiled you can start to narrow down a topic and organize your thoughts about chapters and the direction you would like the book to take.

Here's an example of a private practitioner who has taken her passion for helping troubled eaters and has become a successful author.

Publishing Success Story: Karen R. Koenig, LCSW

Private practitioner Karen R. Koenig, LCSW has created income stability through publishing books and workbooks to help troubled eaters. Karen just published her 5th book called Starting Monday: Seven Keys to a Permanent, Positive Relationship with Food this year. Currently, 33% of Koenig's income comes from publishing royalties. Here's how Karen got started:

“I had a desire to have more impact on troubled eaters than one-to-one sessions or even workshops and talks could provide. I started writing as a young child and have always enjoyed it… I took a screen-writing class through adult education and thought I’d found my niche.  The instructor was an entertainment lawyer…she suggested I think about writing non-fiction books using my expertise which is the psychology of eating.  I took her advice and she sold my first book and has been my agent ever since.”

To learn more about Karen's books or Karen visit


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