Top 10 Private Pratice Toolbox Post of 2013

canstockphoto11999429As the year draws to a close it's always fun to check Google Analytics and see which blog posts caught your attention throughout the year. The following is a list of the posts with the most unique page views on this blog during the 2013 calendar year. Interestingly, some of the most visited articles are from past years, but are obviously topics that are of interest to therapists this year. I've featured many guest posts this year, and two of them make the top 10 list!1) What I wish I'd known before starting a private practiceSeasoned therapists share what they wish they'd known prior to starting their private practice in an attempt to help private practice newbies avoid the same mistakes.2) The 10 best free iPad apps for a productive private practiceIn this guest post Clinton Power shares his favorite practice management apps and how they can help you effectively manage your practice.3) 6 reasons you don't have enough clientsSome therapists are sabotaging their success and repelling clients instead of attracting them.4) The $12000 mistake many therapists makePoor time management boundaries in private practice can cost therapists thousands of dollars. Are you giving away free therapy with out knowing it?5) 8 real-world marketing strategies from successful therapistsTake the advice of successful therapists. Private practitioners share their tips for marketing their practice in the real world.6) 5 key questions to help you develop multiple income streamsIncome stability can be a struggle for many therapists in private practice. Therapists who develop multiple income sources can create income even when client hours are down. Here's how...7) Counselor self-care practicesTherapists take care of others but often neglect themselves. In this guest post Hollie L. Hancock, M.S., CMHC shares the importance of counselor self-care (the topic of her doctoral dissertation).8) Naming your practice is like naming a childOne of the first steps in private practice is giving your practice a name. Should you use your own name as your practice? Is it best to include your location in your practice name? Should you make the name sound big or intimate?9) How to get paid for no showsNo one likes to show up at work and not get paid, including therapists. Here are my tips for setting strong boundaries when it comes no shows so you can get paid for your time.10) The difference between hiring therapists as 1099 vs. W-2 employeesTherapists often hire other therapists as 1099 contract employees, but I do just the opposite. I share the distinguishing factors between W-2 and 1099 employees in this post. Get 30% off private practice consulting services if you join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook Group and book your consultations before 1.1.14! Consultations can be used in 2014, just have to book it online before the New Year to get discount.


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