Social Media Bootcamp For Therapists Webinar Feb 27

Social Media Bootcamp: Attract Self-Pay Clients to Your Private Practice
Date: Thursday Feb. 27  5:00 pm MST (4:00 pm PST, 6:00pm CST, 7:00pm EST)
Presenter: Julie de Azevedo Hanks, LCSW
Attract more self-pay clients to your private practice by effectively and ethically using social media.
Over the past 12 years I've built a private practice with 3 locations and 20 providers with a fee-for-service private pay model (free of managed care) by attracting ideal clients through building a strong online presence and building an engaged social media following.

In this 90 minute webinar you will learn:

  • The building blocks of a strong online presence that will attract your ideal clients to your practice.
  • The most important thing you can do to attract ideal clients online to your practice.
  • Which social networking sites will reach your ideal clients.
  • Learn effective strategies to grow and engage your social media following.

Register for Social Media Marketing Bootcamp Webinar! 


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