Multiple Income Streams Webinar

Multiple Income Streams Webinar

Developing Multiple Income Streams Webinar: Creating More Income Stability in Private Health or Mental Health Practice

April 8, 2014 6-7:30 pm MST

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Only $39.99 USDPrice includes PDF of full PowerPoint & access to webinar replay video 


Private health and mental health practitioners who rely solely on income from direct clinical hours may find themselves in financially vulnerable situations.Since client hours can vary greatly depending on the time of year, state of the economy, number of new referrals, success of fee collection, and several other factors, developing multiple income streams can help social workers increase their income stability.In this webinar will focus on different ways mental health therapists can pursue additional income streams:

      • Supervision
      • Consulting
      • Teaching
      • Writing
      • Speaking

[/list]The presenter will give examples of success stories and strategies for practitioners to build additional income streams.*After you complete Paypal payment, please click the link "Go to Julie Hanks, LLC" and it will take you to the final registration page.*Can't make the webinar date or time? No problem, I'll send you a link to watch the entire replay video!Register Now!


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