Do You Need Permission To Succeed?

As a recent private practice consultation group that I was leading came to an end, we took a few minutes to celebrate the growth and successes of each group member. I asked what each group would take away from their consultation group.  One therapist turned to me and said, "Thank you for giving me the permission to succeed."I have never really thought about my private practice consulting services as giving colleagues "permission to succeed," but it seemed to fit. I asked myself, "Where did I get the permission to succeed?" As I thought about it, I realized that my dad had modeled for me personal and professional success. As a child, I watched his music career flourish, how much he was energized through self-expression, and how he was motivated to inspire others through his work. My Dad's modeling taught me that I, too, could create a professional life where I could express myself, be creative when faced with challenges, and inspire to make positive change.I grew up believing that everyone had permission to have an amazing, creative and fulfilling life. I think that's partly what inspired this blog. I want you to create a thriving private mental health practice that fills you with joy, that works for your life, and that reflects who you are.When I saw my Dad a few weeks ago, on Father's Day, I made a point of thanking him for giving me permission to succeed. I let him know that I really valued that gift that he'd given to me -- the belief that I could find success and personal fulfillment in my professional life.Do you need permission to succeed in your private practice?Permission granted.


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