Therapist Blog Challenge #15: Parenting Tips

challenge_15It's been a few weeks since our last Therapist Blog Challenge, but I'm ready to hit the ground running again if you are!Therapist blog challenge #15 focuses on parenting defiant young children. This is something that every parent has experienced, and you as a professional may be able to provide some insight on this topic. Use the following format as a guide for how to best structure your blog post.[Headline] Come up with a catchy title for your blog post. You may write your own or use one of the following:How to Survive When Your Toddler's Driving You Crazy!5 Steps to Make it Through the Terrible TwosKeeping Your Cool With a Defiant Child[Strong Intro] Lay out the topic with a little more detail and introduce your reader to your main points. Here's an example:It's only 10 am, and your 2-year-old has already suffered a major meltdown. You were warned that the toddler years were tough, but you never expected anything like this! Here are 5 ways to survive with a defiant toddler.[Scanable Content] This is the real meat of your blog post. Make sure to format your content in a way that is easy on the eyes by breaking it up into sections instead of just writing one long paragraph. Be sure to flesh out the details under each sub-topic.1) Don’t lose controlWrite a short paragraph about why it's important for a parent to stay in control. This may include explaining how a situation can escalate if an adult gets angry and how a child is more likely to respond positively to a parent who is calm.2) Don't lose focus on who is responsibleWrite a short paragraph about how parents need to remember that they are the ones responsible for helping their toddler. True, they cannot force a child to stop crying or acting out, but the parents are the adults and ultimately have the responsibility to improve the situation.3) Pay attention to the positiveNow, write about ways that parents can recognize the good, even when a toddler has a meltdown. Has the child gotten a bit better since the last outburst?  Has a parent improved in becoming more patient or more firm in his/her approach? Write how there is something positive to be gleaned even from difficult situations with defiant toddlers.4) Don’t assume the worst Write about ways in which a parent can remember that even the most difficult toddler doesn't have bad intentions. It's easy to become overwhelmed with stress and frustration, but parents should remember how young these children are. Remind your readers that defiant toddlers are still developing and are certainly not trying to cause trouble.5) Set limits for your defiant childExplain why setting limits for a child's behavior is crucial. Elaborate on how limits help your child learn consequences, how they can be appropriate punishment, and how limits can help a parent put an end to a tantrum.[Strong Ending Paragraph] Here's where you wrap it up. Just one short paragraph to briefly summarize your main points will do. You may want to close with a question, such as "How have YOU best dealt with a defiant toddler?"That's it. Now, get to writing!

Here are a few additional reminders about the blog challenge:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too.
  • Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Here's a list of previous blog challenges.  Feel free to revisit!


The Power of Online Presence: Blogging Brings Training Opportunities for Art Therapist Lisa Mitchell LMFT


The Power of Online Presence: Viral Blog Post Brings Book Deal for Amy Morin, LCSW