Ask Julie: I'm Madly In Love with My Ex-Therapist!

[dropcap]Q: [/dropcap] I am madly in love with my ex-therapist.  This is not transference; I truly love her! I never had the chance to tell her, and now we no longer talk to one another. This has and is still bothering me. I can't stop thinking about her, and it is killing me inside everyday! I wanted to tell her back then during sessions, but was afraid to, and now I will never have the opportunity to ever tell her. This is not healthy...what should I do? (28 year old female)[dropcap]A: [/dropcap] I hear that you have intense unresolved feelings toward your ex-therapist, but it actually is transference. I suggest that you meet with your therapist again to work through these feelings, or if you're not comfortable talking with her, then seek a new therapist. Watch the video to hear the rest of my response:Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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