Struggling To Work or Stay At Home: KSL's Mom Show

I recently was interviewed by Lindsey Aerts (host of KSL's "The Mom Show") and was asked to share my thoughts concerning her internal struggle of whether or not she should work or be a stay-at-home mom. We discussed how feeling the "tug" between the two responsibilities and desires to take care of one's children and to grow in one's career is natural and not a bad thing. For women, that tension will always exist, so the trick is to navigate it and manage it, not try to eliminate it.

Lindsey and I also discussed how it can be helpful to deconstruct our internalized beliefs about motherhood and women's roles to decide which ones are helpful and which ones don't serve us. We talked about getting rid of labels if we need them to be limiting and instead embracing motherhood as a relationship. Finally, we discussed how there are seasons of motherhood (and seasons of life) where our children require more of our energy and attention and other seasons where we may have more time to pursue our own aspirations. Framing our experiences as fluid (and not "working vs. stay-at-home") can help us find ways to meet the needs of our families as well as our own creative pursuits.

Listen to the full interview above!


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