Confession: I lied to my daughter

Driving alone in the car together my teen says through tears ,"You always criticize me, point out what I'm doing wrong.""What?" I said, confused by her comment. In my mind I was thinking that guidance, suggestions, or corrections she takes as criticism.  I tried to listen to her and understand where she was coming from, and like a mom/good therapist, put my own reactions on hold.After telling her my long list of many things I like about her and that I'm proud of, I said, "Honey, all I want is for you to be happy."That was the lie.As the words came out of my mouth I realized that I had just lied to my daughter. While I sincerely do want her to be happy, the truth is this

I want her to do what I think is best for her.

I want her to make me look like a good parent.

I want her to make me feel OK about the fact that I've worked part-time her whole life instead of being a stay-at-home mom.


Self-Compassion Exercise from Assertiveness Guide Featured on Weightless Blog


Assertiveness and Strong Boundaries Improve Relationships: Studio 5