Will I See You Sunstone Summer Symposium 2016?

My first Mormon cultural blog article was title  "The Costs of Misunderstanding Modesty" (published on Meridian Magazine website). The response to the article was so positive that I continued to share my perspective writing a dozen or so articles and a few podcasts on Mormonism  published on a handful of different websites (including this blog).I'm not sure how I jumped from writing blog articles on Mormonism to submitting proposals to present at the 2016 Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City, UT, but, I did. And both were accepted! These topics are informed by my doctoral studies in systems theory, cybernetics, and creative transformation and their application to Mormon cultural transformation.Even though I've been working with Latter-day Saint clients for over 20 years, and my first book, The Burnout Cure, was written for LDS women, it was less than a year ago I started blogging about the intersection of Mormon culture and emotional health.

  • Sunstone Summer Symposium 2016 "Many Mormonisms"

  • Thurs. July 28, 2016

  • University of Utah Student Union Bldg.

  • Pre-register now Sunstone.org

Here's more about my upcoming presentations...

A Crisis of Perception

A Crisis of Perception: New Paradigms to Address the Complexities of Modern Mormonism

Abstract: Mormonism has inherited ways of thinking that are no longer sufficient to understand or address the complexities facing the 21st century Church. Concepts from cybernetics, systems theory, and complex thought will be presented as alternative lenses with which to view and wrestle with the Church’s increased historical transparency, gender concerns, racial diversity, LGBTQIA issues, and member disaffection. It will be argued that movement toward a circular epistemology that promotes awareness of interconnections, allows for complexity, and encourages tolerance for ambiguity will infuse more compassion, hope, and inclusion into our communities and inspire more creative approaches to addressing our current challenges." Register at Sunstone.org


Love and gender equality at home

Love (and Gender Equality) at Home: A Model of Family Transformation

Abstract: Early relationship patterns lay the framework for our identity development, social interactions, and assumptions about others. If gender equality is to be achieved within Mormon culture and theology it must first be modeled in family relationships. Cultural Transformation Theory provides a framework for moving from a domination model that values “masculine” over “feminine” to a partnership model where relationships are based on connection and equality. Register at Sunstone.org

In conjunction with Sunstone Symposium...

the Mormon Mental Health Association is hosting it's annual conference on Wed. July 27 at the University of Utah Student Union Building. The conference theme is Promoting Equality in Relationships.

I'll be presenting a workshop as part of this conference, too, based on my forthcoming book The Assertiveness Guide for Women.

Empowering LDS Women to Speak Up and Speak Out  (1:30 – 2:50 p.m)

Abstract: This presentation will offer a psycho-educational framework to help women develop healthy assertive communication skills that support self-awareness, authentic expression, and respect for others’ differences while increasing the likelihood that they will be heard and responded to in positive ways.Register for MMHA Conference hereI am passionate exploring possible pathways to practice Mormonism and interpret the doctrine in ways that promote emotional health, enhance relationships, and invite respectful discussion, and develop more compassion for ourselves and for others.Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you there!Save


Assertiveness Tips for Moms: KSL Radio Mom Show


How to Help Your Anxious Daughter: Studio 5