Is It Ever Okay To Lie In A Relationship? Good Things Utah

We've all heard the saying that honesty's the best policy (and it's not hard to understand how lying is really bad for relationships), but is there ever a time when it's okay to be less than 100% truthful?Flat Out Lies Are Never OkayThis should be obvious, but telling deliberate lies to your partner doesn't cut it. It undermines trust and causes all sorts of problems, so even if the truth is uncomfortable, don't ever tell blatant lies!Be Clear About ExpectationsSo what happens when the area's a little grayer? When is it is wrong to intentionally leave out information (with the intent to deceive)? To help you avoid getting into trouble here, you and your partner need to be on the same page about what's most important when it comes to things like parenting, housework, or finances.Figure Out What's At the Root of ItThere's the classic example of, "honey, does this make me look fat?" For questions like this, consider what's really going on. In this case, the woman is probably asking if her man is still attracted to her. Try to discern what's really being asked, then go from there.Know What's Not NegotiableThere are certain things where anything less than 100% honesty is unacceptable. For most people, this would include issues like cheating, abuse, and substance use. You need to talk openly and honestly with your partner about what aspects of the relationship need to be completely transparent.Watch the "Good Things Utah" interview here about this topic.  


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