FAQ Series Part 4: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

This week Richie joins me as I answer more of your most frequently asked questions. Listen to hear answers to questions like:

  • Is my grief over infertility related to the teaching that the most important thing for me to be is a mother?

  • Does your husband agree with everything you post?

  • Is lasting change possible?

  • How do I overcome imposter syndrome?

  • How do navigate my personal growth while also supporting my children?

If you have a question you’d like to hear me answer in a future FAQ podcast episode, email it to me with the subject line “Podcast Question” at hello@drjuliehanks.com.


“How do I claim my sexuality?” with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


Do I have to end my friendship with a family member’s ex now that they are divorced? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks