How do I decide on a career that I won’t later regret or wish I had taken a different path? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

In this episode I meet with Kellice and answer the question “How do I decide on a career that I won’t later regret or wish I had taken a different path?” Kellice wants to choose a sustainable career to support herself and her boys, but she isn’t sure where to start. How can she be sure she isn’t going to make the wrong decision?

I challenge Kellice to consider that there may be more than one path for her to choose. Feeling like there is one best choice—and that you will suffer if you don’t find it—is a common and paralyzing dynamic. But what if there isn’t just one path? What if you get to choose what you want? The reality is that there are many careers Kellice could enjoy. And if she picks something and isn’t happy, she doesn’t have to be stuck. It’s never too late to evolve and choose again.


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