How to Set Boundaries with Loved Ones, ESPECIALLY When It’s Hard: About Progress Podcast

I sat down with Monica Packer, host of the About Progress podcast, and had a conversation about all things boundaries. During our time together we define boundaries, discuss how we can identify the boundaries we want to set, and share tips for setting healthy boundaries with other people.

I love Brene Brown’s definition of a boundary as simply what’s okay and what’s not okay. If you’re having a hard time identifying the boundaries you want to set, here are some things you can try to identify in your life. The places you are experiencing these items may give you a clue into what isn’t working well for you in your life:

  • Resentment

  • Stress

  • Physical cues

  • Negative emotions

  • Deprioritized needs

Your wants matter. As you practice setting boundaries in your life, you will become a better advocate for yourself and be able to deepen your relationships with others.

My course “How to Set Strong Boundaries and Take Better Care of You” is a perfect resource for women looking to learn more about setting boundaries. Click here to learn more and sign up!


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