How to Support Your Loved Ones Who Remain in the LDS Church After Your Faith Transition: The Glow Boss Podcast

I recently had the chance to talk with Courtney Anderson, founder and CEO of Spa Trouve and host of The Glow Boss Podcast. We spoke about how to support your loved ones who remain in the LDS Church after you experience a faith transition.

We cover a lot of information on this topic, and one of the most important things is how to have productive conversations about your faith transition while also being respectful of their choice to stay. If you are experiencing or have gone through a faith transition, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!

For more resources on ways you can help loved ones who have left the Church or support loved ones who decided to stay in the Church, see this blog post:


How can I support my kids in our blended family?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


Bonus Episode: Healing Mother-Daughter Relationships with Madeline Hanks