How can I recognize a healthy romantic connection when I have one? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

In this episode I talk with Hannah and answer the question, “How can I recognize a healthy romantic connection when I have one?” Hannah describes a theme from her past relationships where she’s often felt like she has to be perfect in order to receive love. This pattern dates back to her childhood relationship with her father.

I tell Hannah that we tend to replay our early relationships in our romantic relationships. In some ways, it’s life telling us that we need to heal a past wound. Healing is possible through therapy, inner child work, choosing healthier relationships, and striving to be more authentic—the latter of which she is actively doing in her current relationship.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll hear when you listen to the episode:

“Good relationships are not perfect relationships. They’re relationships where people have times where they disconnect where they come back together and work it out. That’s a good relationship. Not a relationship that never has conflict. It’s can you come back together after those things happen, not preventing [bad] things from happening.”


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