Guest Appearance: The Lisa Show: Taking Back Mother’s Day

I was a guest on The Lisa Show’s Mother’s Day episode this year, and I love the conversation we had about how to honor our mothers without idealizing them. This episode starts off with an interview of a panel of women who tell them what Mother’s Day is like for them in this phase of their lives. It is clear from what they have to say that this holiday brings up a lot of different emotions for everyone.

As I share in this podcast episode, I think we should celebrate the humanity of mothers instead of idealizing them. All mothers make mistakes and also have things that they do really well. I think of honoring your mother on Mother’s Day as seeing them as a real person—not as a role or caricature—and honoring the good and the bad. I give some suggestions for how we can do this, one of which is to focus on the quality of the relationship you have with your mother instead of the things that she did for you and your siblings.

Click here to listen to the episode and learn more about how you can honor yourself and the mothers in your life.


Bonus Episode: Healing Mother-Daughter Relationships with Madeline Hanks


How do I combat my need for control as a mother so I don’t hinder my child’s growth?: Ask Dr. Julie Hanks