Want Hubby to Help With Holidays? Here's how!

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Women often complain about their husband's lack of help or enthusiasm for the holiday preparations. Husband's are often puzzled about why wives get so stressed out about shopping, decorating, and baking. Here's why women get stressed and solutions to get your man to help with the festivities.

1-Women feel responsible for the "intangibles" of family life (e.g. maintaining relationships, fulfilling family expectations, setting mood & tone, giving meaning to family traditions, a sense that they are adding value)Get your man to help by...Sharing what your holiday traditions mean to you. ("It's important to me to keep in touch with friends and family through sending yearly Christmas cards." "Baking cookies reminds me of holidays with my grandmother and helps me feel connected to her.") 2-Women want to fulfill their own & other's expectationsGet your man to help by… listening to your husband's feedback that challenges your assumptions about the way things "should be". Allow your spouse to help you find more realistic expectations. ("Maybe we don't need to send out Christmas cards every year. Maybe every other year would be fine." "Do we really have to make homemade gifts for the entire neighborhood?")3-Women feel like they should be able to "do it all" & have difficulty asking for helpGet your man to help by… Ask for help directly, specifically, & with a time frame. ( "Will you help put labels on the Christmas cards by the end of the weekend?" "Will you be in charge of buying gifts for Brooke & Darin this year?" )


Eat Pray Love...At Home: Studio 5