Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse in Marriage: Good Things Utah

Abuse is a tough topic to talk about, but it's so important that we know signs to watch out for. While physical abuse is easy to identify, emotional abuse can be more subtle but can be just as damaging (while most everyone has mistreated their partner at times, we are talking about repeated and consistent behavior). Here are some signs of emotional abuse in marriage:

  • Constant Minimizing of Your Thoughts & FeelingsdThe other person pushes aside, belittles, or demeans your experiences and viewpoints. He/ she always has to be right.d

  • Blames You For Their ProblemsdLittle things are always framed as being your fault. The offending spouse doesn't take responsibility for his/ her actions.d

  • Possessive or Jealous BehaviordHe/she always has to know where you are and who you are with. They treat you in a very condescending matter and like you are their child, not their equal.d

  • Seeks To Isolate Your From OthersdThis is very common among emotional abusers and is a very big red flag. He/she tries to cut you off over time from important relationships (particularly family).d

  • Angry OutburstsdLittle things set them off into explosive behavior. Something as simple as not answering your phone or not turning the lights off can provoke extreme anger. This can be very scary.d

If you recognize any of these as a repeated pattern of behavior in your relationships (or even in yourself), a trained therapist can help you set boundaries, communicate more clearly, rebuild your sense of worth, and when necessary, end a relationship. Call 801-944-4555 or visit  


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