Preventing Burnout Workshop


Thanks to the wonderful women of Sandy Crescent Ward who attended the Wednesday's "Preventing Emotional Burnout" workshop. It's the perfect time of year to remember to be kinder to yourself, remember that every family is "messed up" and what God wants is "a perfect heart."  You gals made me giggle more than any other group with your Diet Coke and Chocolate comments! I love presenting this workshop because it reminds me that I am not alone. Thank you. I've had some requests about the songs I performed as part of the workshop:

God's Signature (new song to be release on Julie de Azevedo Best Of cd coming out Spring 2010)

Make Enough of Me (from my CD Home) & is available for download on iTunes. Here's a link to the Music Video of Make Enough of Me (requires Quicktime).

Several of you came up and asked about my counseling clinic and services in SLC. Here's more info about Wasatch Family Therapy. Oh, and the dessert bar was heavenly. My family thanks you for the silver platter of goodies!


Alone time? What's that?


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